Saturday, May 25, 2024

A Grisly Sight on Christmas Night

 A Grisly Sight on Christmas Night

Inspired by "Synchronicity II" by Gordon Sumner

by Giovanni V. Crisan

 © 2012, 2024 Phase II Publishing, Inc and Giovanni V. Crisan



Amarillo, Texas, 8 pm


Christina Majarres picked up the tray with the turkey between her mitted hands and joyfully carried it to the table.   Before her was an incredible display of food items she had spent almost 20 hours preparing.  As she placed the turkey next to the ham she had decorated with pineapples and cherries, she smiled to herself.  This was going to be the best Christmas ever.


Christina had reason to hold her expectations high on this particular year, because her daughter, Camilla, had just gotten engaged to her boyfriend of five years, Jason Pratt.  Christina was excited to welcome Jason into the family because he was a thoughtful and caring man, who also seemed to have his career on track as a civil lawyer.  Camilla had met Jason at a coffee shop near his law office while she was on a run for her boss, Susan Wethers, a local celebrity stylist.


Christina herself knew what it was like to meet the man of your dreams, as she and Carlos had celebrated 28 years of marriage together earlier that year.  She had always been a homemaker, a result of traditional Nicaraguan custom, even if Carlos was often forced to work two jobs to make ends meet as a result.  


Although Christina was not exactly the same youthful girl Carlos had met so many years before, she was still caring and devoted.  She stood about five feet tall, weighed over 200 pounds, her black hair never styled differently from her Veronica Lodge look from the Archie Comics.  She rarely wore makeup, but this was one of the rare occasions in which she had to look her best.  


Carlos came out of the bedroom in a suit, which made Christina smile.  


"What's for dinner, Kiki?" asked Carlos jokingly.


"It's whatever you want it be, mi amor," she responded.  


Carlos walked over to the stereo and put some romantic music on, then made his way to Christina, grabbing her and forcing her to join him so they could have a moment of solitary youth.  She kept her hands away from him as he grabbed her, and started to laugh as she danced along.  


"You're gonna get stuff all over your suit, Carli," She told him between her laughter.  She was genuinely worried that the splatter of gravy on her apron would find a new owner.  

"Ah," he waved off the thought as insignificant and moved his head next to hers as he closed his eyes.  


"We don't get too many moments like this anymore, so let's enjoy it without worrying about every little detail," he jokingly scolded her as he pulled back, taking her mitts off, then throwing them to the floor.   He then held his hand out, grabbed her hand, and pulled her back in.  He reached around behind her and singing a burlesque tune in her ear he undid her apron.  She was in hysterics.  She playfully punched him on the shoulder and pushed away.


"I have to finish setting the table... everyone's gonna be here any minute now," she giggled with coquettish respite.  Christina went into the kitchen and Carlos watched with a loving smile as she walked away.



Tlambè Village, Brazil, 9:30 pm


Ah Puch stood up after lighting the fire.  His command of this village was unquestioned by the others because he was a quick learner, and often surpassed all others in any skill he learned.   His 35-year-old body was muscular and slender, his dark skin bearing scars from many battles and animal attacks.  His dress for all rituals was unique in that he wore a large mask, painted red with achiote and decorated on the top with the leaves of a tree they called Kloti - thin leaves with orange tips that fanned out in a perfect circle around the branch.  The face of the mask looked similar to that of a chameleon, eyes pointed in different directions to signify Ah Puch's uncanny awareness; white horns carved out of the bone of a rival tribe's leader protruded from the nose to show dominance.


Ah Puch turned and walked from the pyre, tree branches stacked high in the center of the river that lazily flowed next to their village.  He picked up his weapon, also made from the bones of his rivals - femurs strung together forming a powerful and devastating morningstar-like club.  Waving the intricately decorated weapon, he signaled the others that the ritual was about to begin.  



Amarillo, Texas, 10 pm


A knock on the door sent Christina Manjarres into a frenzy.  She knew her daughter and future son-in-law had arrived, along with his parents and their three grandchildren.  Christina scurried about to make sure everything looked perfect, straightening the table runner, centering every plate, back to the table runner, and back again.  


Taking one last look at the table to making sure everything was perfect, she removed her apron, straightened her hair in front of the mirror by the door, and turned to open to her guests.  


The door revealed gaping smiles and a rush by Camilla to hug her mother.  


"I've missed you so much, mom!  You look great!"


"Oh, mamita, I've missed you too!" then remembering everyone else was still standing in the cold, snowy darkness, she added, "Oh, come in, come in!"


Christina signaled to the coat rack so everyone could hang their coats and jackets.  Carlos came out to meet everyone, passing out kisses, hugs, and handshakes to all his guests.


"You guys already know Jason," said Camilla pointing at him with an open hand, "and these are his parents, Jorge and Francis, and Jason's nieces and nephew: Little Jorge, Martie, and Amy."


"It's such a pleasure to finally meet you," said Christina joyfully.


"Well, we've heard a lot about you," responded Francis.


"All good things, I hope," joked Christina.


They shared a laugh and Christina took everyone on a tour of the house.  The table was set buffet-style and looked magnificent, and the Christmas tree looked wonderful as the lights blinked to the beat of the holiday songs it played.


Carlos served everyone drinks and got juice for the kids, then turned the stereo up a little louder.  After a bit of small talk, Christina asked everyone if they were ready to eat.  Everyone was famished, and they all served themselves and sat at the table.  Carlos, being the last to serve himself, shut off the stereo, sat down, and grabbed the hands of his wife and Jorge, prompting everyone else to hold hands in preparation for grace.


Carlos took a breath and began, "Our father, who art in heaven..."  





Tlambè Village, Brazil, 10 pm


Kizin and Iztali walked on the banks of the Chlati River, joining Ah Puch.  They, too, painted their faces with achiote, and painted designs on their bodies with achiote and huito, creating intricate red and black symbols of power and happiness.  They also carried weapons; Kizin carried a bow, and Iztali carried a spear.  The weapons were decorated with feathers and leaves, as well as shreds of animal skins that dangled from the handles.  


Kish began drumming near the riverbank, as Eme, Ah Puch's wife, sang a traditional Tlambè song of fertility.  Kizin, Iztali, and Ah Puch began their dance, mimicking a battle - but actually representing a courtship between a man and two women.  Their dance started on the banks of the river, and eventually moved into the calm, shallow waters, around the pyre.  During the song, Ah Puch would respond to Eme's soulful pleas for an answer from the gods.


The villagers enjoyed this ritual, for it represented the beginning of new life, and the growth of their community.  Everyone watched in awe, especially the children, who aspired to one day be able to perform the ritual dance themselves.


"From darkness to light, emerge a new life.  Yuki, Ektu, bring us the next ones.  We offer you fire, we offer you water, what more do you need?" sang Eme.


"The bond of our people, the devotion to you," responded Ah Puch as he splashed around, swinging his club around and smacking it against the surface of the water.

Ah Puch's son, Ekahau, watched with glee as his father moved around the fire.  Once in a while, water would splash onto the pyre and fizzle with a loud crack.  The villagers would gasp, believing it to be a response from one of the gods.


Ekahau stood up and started to mimic his father's dance, his imagination running wild.  He pictured himself as a village chief, leading his subjects into battle, taking prisoners and expanding his village's presence in the jungle. 


As Ekahau danced, the smoke from the pyre rose up into the air, moving higher every second, leaving behind the village and its dancing leaders.  Rising up into the heavens, never stopping, reaching the clouds, leaving the village as a speck of light below. 



Near Tambor, Costa Rica, 1002 pm


Ignacio Martinez and his wife headed back to the resort on the dark, lonely road carved into the side of the mountain, and were surrounded by looming trees.  Ignoring the possibility of another car coming in the opposite direction toward him, Ignacio laughed at his wife's comment about the other people in the restaurant they had just left, and moved in to kiss her.  


Suddenly, the still trees became active and the leaves began rustling.  Ignacio didn't quite see what emerged from the darkness, but he did see something, which caused him to swerve left to right, landing him off the shallow cliff and against the trees.  His Christmas Eve had just become sour.



Amarillo, Texas, 1005 pm


"...for the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory are Yours, now and forever... Amen," Carlos concluded the prayer, then added, "Let's eat!"


Everyone was enjoying themselves tremendously.  "Were you guys good this year?" asked Jason to the kids, before shoveling some food in his mouth.


"I was good, but Jay was naughty last week," replied Martie.  


"That's a lie, I was good too," protested Little Jorge.


"What about you, Amy? Were you good?" asked Camilla.  


Amy was only three years old, but she was quite feisty.  Her response, "I was the best," she said in her munchkin voice, and everyone had a laugh. 


Christina gave Camilla a smile, and Camilla knew what her mother was trying to convey.  She wanted grandchildren.


"This food is excellent," said Jorge, adding, "Christina, I'm sure Santa is gonna bring some good goodies!"


Everyone laughed, and served themselves seconds.  Carlos got up and put the radio on again, and said, "No excuses, after dinner, we all dance!"



Tlambè Village, Brazil, 1005 pm


Tum Tum Tumtumtum Tum.... Krack!


The drumming stopped as the dancers made their way back to the riverbanks, just as the last embers pulsated like a dying heart.  Ah Puch hugged his wife and child as they made their way back to the village, the child Ekahau teeming with excitement, still flailing his arms about, mimicking his father's dance.  


When they reached the village, the women were almost done cooking.  Ah Puch called out for everyone to gather around the cooking fire, to prepare for their meal.  Eme gathered the bowls, made from banana leaves weaved together, and began passing them out to her people.  Ah Puch removed his mask as he took a seat atop a rock.


"Tonight we celebrate yet another great beginning for our tribe," began Ah Puh, "as tomorrow we begin our expansion.  The trees here to our left will sacrifice themselves to fulfill the will of the land and of the gods.  Tlambè will have new homes, and in a few days we men will go on our pilgrimage to recruit servants." 


As the villagers cheered, Ah Puch nodded and looked around him.  He knew he ruled great people.  Ekahau was excited, and Eme proud to see her husband be so strong and focused.  "The men will make adornments with the children, to nimble the fingers for our coming days of trial.  To succeed, we must prepare!" Ah Puch knew his plan well, but tonight was for celebration, not for military planning.  


"For now, let's celebrate!"  Everyone cheered as Ah Puch took the first bite. 



Near Comayagua, Honduras, 1035 pm


Hugo Moscoso walked with his 10-year old son, Miguelito, back toward their ranch, where Hugo's wife would be waiting with Christmas dinner.  He and Miguelito had done very well during their hunt, killing three iguanas and a monkey.  The iguanas came with a special treat for Hugo's wife, Helena, as one was a female protecting a nest - and Helena did love iguana eggs.


"Mira, Miguelito, now that we got food for tomorrow, do you think Santa will bring you anything special today?" teased Hugo.  


"I don't know, dad.  I hope I got a new fishing rod or a new socc..." Miguelito's words were cut short as something came rushing out of the darkness behind them, knocking both of them face first to the ground.  Whatever it was it was headed north.  


Recovering his senses, Miguelito got himself up and looked over at his dad, who did not move.  As he struggled to turn him over, Miguelito saw that his father had landed on a large rock, and his face was flattened. 





Amarillo, Texas, 1045 pm


After everyone finished their dinner, Christina began pulling the dirty dishes off the table, but was stopped by Carlos.  "Leave it there, we'll get to it in the morning," he said, adding, "let's just have fun tonight."


Christina gave Carlos a kiss and put everything back on the table.  Everyone was dancing in the living room, and the voice on the radio announced that it was eleven o' five, less than an hour until Christmas.  After about ten minutes, Francis sat down on the couch, followed by Jorge.  Carlos grabbed their drinks and handed them to his daughter's future in-laws.  He then served wine for Camilla and Jason, and finally for him and his wife.  


The kids were still dancing when the radio started playing "Winter Wonderland", and the adults started an impromptu caroling session.  "That song always reminds me of snowball fighting outside the mall," said Jason.


"Yes," chimed Francis," your snowballs always seemed to find their way into another shopper's back."  Everyone laughed at the thought of the explanations Jorge and Francis had to come up with to save face.  


"I was never bad, huh ma?" asked Camilla.


Christina giggled, "Well, that's how you remember it, mijita!"  


"What do you mean?  I don't remember EVER getting in trouble for mischief..." objected Camilla.


"Well, when you were six years old, about Martie's age, you..." Christina's story was cut short by the announcement on the radio, clocking in at eleven thirty.  


"The kids have to go to bed, or else Santa won't come!" called out Carlos.  


At this time, between the big meal and all the dancing, the kids were ready for bed anyway.  Francis and Christina tucked the kids in on Christina's bed, and went back outside to join the others in their storytelling.





Tlambè Village, Brazil, 1045 pm


Eme signaled for the women to begin digging a hole in the ground to bury all the used bowls, while the men began telling stories of their past.  


Iztali began, "Do you all know how Put'et gave the spear to Tlambè?"


He held up his spear and began, "Man was a simple scavenger in the beginning.  One day a large creature appeared out of nowhere and destroyed a village that Put'et had inspired.  All the people were killed, and the huts all destroyed.  Put'et was angered by this insolence, so he inspired another village in the distance, where there were many rocks.  The villagers prospered for several years, using rocks to hunt and defend themselves against attackers and predators.  


"Then it came again, the creature struck at night, coming out of the trees.  Several villagers were killed instantly, and the men gathered rocks to strike the beast down.  The men, although strong, were limited by their humanity, and could not lift the boulder that could kill the thing.  The rocks they threw only served to anger the creature, and he decimated this village, too.  


"Put'et, frustrated by the weakness of his worshippers, made yet another attempt.  This time, he inspired man at the same site where the last village had been destroyed.  Bones lay all around, and some shards pierced the flesh on many of the men's feet.  Put'et saw the potential, and appeared before Tlambè, to teach him how to carve the bone and the tree to make a most destructive weapon.


"When the creature attacked a few years later, the men were prepared.  All it took was one blow from Tlambè's spear to take the beast down.  The bones of the beast form the frame of our great temple hut to this day," Iztali's audience, especially the children, were enthralled by the tale of bravery and divine inspiration.  


"I would like to continue our history with the defeat of Xict'an," added Ah Puch.


"Put'et was unhappy with the village of  Xict'an because of their treachery and the fact that they make offerings to Qin Xatu, a false god.  Put'et came to me and Iztali and warned us of the danger of such heresy.  We took Put'et's gift, the beverage Bunbun, and saw the world through Put'et's eyes.  He revealed to us what we had to do, and inspired us with plans.  He warned, however, to not build on the cursed land of Xict'an.


"We recounted our meeting with the rest of the men in the village and immediately reviewed our plans.  After nimbling our fingers with crafts, we rested.  The next day we moved in and fulfilled Put'et's prophecy.  Now Tlambè is the only one Put'et knows as his people," as Ah Puch finished his story, he poured himself some Bunbun in another banana bowl, and drank.  He passed the drink around and the women joined them all again.  The children lay by the fire, watching it dance, as they had done earlier.



Near Zacatecas, Mexico, 1115 pm


Totita stumbled out of the bar onto the busy street.  The usual Christmas celebration was in full force in the village, but she wanted no part of it.  She moved around behind the building through an alley and headed home.  


Christmas always depressed her more than usual because that was his favorite holiday.  She always remembered him most happy around this time, and now he couldn't have that joy because he was in a coma; had been for 3 years.  Now she just wiped him and changed his bed linens five times a day, and he couldn't even tell her he loved her for it.  


Thoughts of her husband were cut short when Totita turned the corner that led to her house.  It came so hard and so fast, she never knew what hit her.  The neighbors found her the next morning, after recovering from their drinking; her right arm was close to her house almost a block away from her twisted body.  



Amarillo, Texas, 1159 pm


"Three... two... one... Merry Christmas!!!" everyone screamed in unison, as they began the ritual of hugging and kissing each other.  


When the celebration was all over, Carlos, Jorge, and Jason went to the garage to retrieve the presents.  They began setting them up nicely under the tree, while Carlos assigned himself the task of eating a couple of cookies and drinking some of the milk that had been left out for the big man. 


When the men were all finished, Francis and Christina went to wake the kids, while Camilla prepared the camera.  The kids emerged, one by one, still groggy from their short nap.  Camilla took pictures of each one as they came out.  


Carlos turned the stereo off so that only the tree's music could be heard.  The kids sat around the tree, and immediately they were fully awake as they saw the pile of presents.  Camilla snapped away, in an attempt to capture as many precious moments as possible.


"Ok, Amy, you open one first," said Jason, motioning for Francis to help find Amy's first gift.  


Amy removed the wrapping and opened the box to reveal a doll.  She giggled and walked off to enjoy her selfishly before it was her turn to open another gift.


"Ok, Martie, your turn!!" said Camilla.


Francis passed Martie her first gift and as she opened it, revealing markers, crayons, and paper, Jason cheered.  Martie loved to draw, and her excitement showed.


Little Jorge was next and he insisted on personally picking out which present he would open first.  When he found the one he wanted, he shook it and took guesses as to what it was before opening it.



Tlambè Village, Brazil, 1205 am



"This is no time for sleep," said Yuste, waking the children, 


"You must help us nimble our fingers.  Look, the women have made beads out of rocks and beans.  We men will string them together, while you children paint and decorate them."


Ah Puch sat with his son, Ekahau, and they began stringing the beans and rocks.  


"Can I put leaves and feathers like you, dad?" asked the boy.


"You can make whatever you want, my son," responded Ah Puch.  


Some of the children played games with their fathers, others watched their fathers do magic tricks with various objects.  Ah Puch watched in approval, and then continued to his task.  Ekahau created quite an elaborate necklace, with intricate designs and paintings on the leaves.


"Do you want to learn how to make weapons, boy?" asked Ah Puch.


"Yeah, dad!  I would love that!" responded the child.  Although he was only ten years old, Ekahau's determination to become a great warrior was very apparent to everyone in the village.  Everyone believed he was destined to be like his father.  


Ah Puch retrieved his tools and began putting a spear together for Ekahau, and instructed his son on how to file down a bone shard to sharpen it properly.


"I'm gonna be the strongest warrior, just like you, dad!" said Ekahau as he started scraping the bone with a rough rock.



Near San Antonio, Texas, 1205 am


What sounded like galloping footsteps echoed through the San Antonio sands, moving faster and faster to the north, quickly reaching the snowy fields of northern Texas.  In the distance, a ranch with holiday music blaring and lights joyfully spreading outward through the window awaited.  


The front door became more inviting, the music louder, the lights brighter, and laughter could be heard from inside. 



Amarillo, Texas, 1212 am


"Cool!  A robot!" called out Little Jorge as he opened the next present.  The tree's lights danced along to "Silent Night" and the family cheered for the beautiful gifts Santa had brought.


"Ok, open the ne --" Jason's words were interrupted by a loud bang on the front door.  It was startling, and sounded as if a bowling ball had been thrown against the door.


"It's probably kids playing pranks, throwing snowballs," rationalized Carlos.  He got up and opened the front door, but found nothing out of the ordinary.  He smiled and shook his head thinking of his own mischievous childhood.  He walked back and sat down with the others around the tree.  


"Like I said, just kids," confirmed Carlos.  


"Okay, Martie, open your next present - it's the big one," said Francis, grabbing the biggest box from under the tree and passing it over to the girl.  The excitement in Martie's face was priceless.  She started waving her arms around as she reached for the gift-wrapped box.


"I don't know what it could be," said the five-year old as she picked up the gift, "but I've been a good g--" her thoughts cut short by another loud bang, causing the child to drop the box.  The lights flickered, and the music from the tree slowed for a moment, creating the effect of a record player slowing down and starting back up.


"Ok, that needs some intervention," said Carlos, signaling Jason to get up with him and investigate.  


"Yeah, these are not the types of pranks you play on a night like this," said Jason, grabbing the phone, ready to dial in a description of the perpetrators.  


The two men walked to the door and Carlos opened it; Jason dropped the phone, and what they saw caused them both to gasp...



Tlambè Village, Brazil, 1212 am


Ah Puch suddenly put down his tools and reached for his weapon as he looked around.  Ekahau looked up at Ah Puch in protest, but Ah Puch motioned for him to be silent.  With the force of a battering ram, an arrow plowed through the air and impaled itself in Ah Puch's neck.  The warrior fell instantly, dead before he hit the ground.  The women of the village shrieked in horror as flaming arrows set fire to their huts, and hundreds of men in masks and war paint raided and pillaged.  The Tlambè people scrambled toward the river to escape the onslaught, to no avail.   


The raiders screamed their name, Xict'an Xet - meaning Xict'an Reborn - as they slaughtered their opponents - none spared - and rubbed themselves with their victims' blood.  The fires on the burning huts lit the night, revealing the mutilated bodies of the villagers of Tlambè - men, women, and children -  spread across the ground, while some bobbed gently in the river.   



Amarillo, Texas


The police sealed the scene at around five in the morning, just as the sun was rising.  Jason's sister, Karen, tried calling the kids at midnight, and when there was no answer she figured everyone was partying too hard to hear the phone ring.  Around four Karen awoke after a nightmare involving the children, and she called again to no response.  She called the authorities to check on the family just in case.


Upon arrival, the police immediately knew something wasn't right.  The front door was open, and a streak of blood led out to the snow, where it spread out as if there had been an explosion.  When Sgt. Polson entered the property, his heart froze.  Although two occupants were missing, strewn about the floor around the Christmas tree were the bodies of two men, two women, and three children.  Their bodies were contorted in painful ways, all of their heads were turned backwards, their eyes bulged, and their faces all sported toothy grins.  The sergeant's breathing doubled and he fell backward.  From that day forth, the only memory he'd ever know would be the faces of the victims with the tree singing, "Let It Snow".